This year we made a couple of new gravestones to commemorate happenings around here. One being Hurricane Matthew. We know there was a lot of devastation and it was nothing to joke about. We were fortunate to have our house in tact and nobody got hurt. But since we have a bit of a dark side, we made this:

Poor cousin Pat. But really, the horror was when this happened: Who gets killed by a falling street sign??
People in our neighborhood will appreciate the gravestone after seeing the Street sign that has been on the ground now for weeks.
Where is the City government when you need them?
It was fun decorating our new home. We have realized that we have a lot more space to fill and many fun opportunities for some fun DIY projects. Here is part of our entry way.
This is the left side of our fireplace. I think we could do a lot more with this area. Again, future DIY projects galore.
Our "Eat, Drink, and Be Scary" picture that I made a few years ago, an Owl Snow globe, and a black and white chevron pumpkin.
Across the mantel I put some bat garland, owl lights, a crow, and a black candle.
Our gallery wall got a few swaps of Halloween prints and we have a cute place for our Halloween nutcrackers now.
Outside things get even scarier. We want our house to be creepy and spooky with a Haunted House feel. Hopefully we'll add some things every year.

This "Beware" sign is the perfect pot urn decoration.
Joe found this fun big spider and rigged it to our house using Command Strips. I love this view looking up too. Definitely spooky.
My Fall Mums aren't scary, but a must have for the season.
By the front door we added plastic spiders with putty and found a cool eye ball door ringer at Target.
Our Mummy has come out of hiding. I think he might scare a kid or two.
Out in the yard we have our gravestones and this year added some cool zombie hands.
I found these sparkly light up trees for the yard at Big Lots along with another big strobe light that we'll get out on Halloween and a fun bat projector light that shines Bats flying across the house.
My daughter decided to bedazzle a pumpkin with glittery rinestones in the shape of a cat.
Lots of blooming mums by the mailbox this year. White mums, purple Mums, Climbing Carolina Aster that is now blooming, and purple Asters.
Thanks for viewing our Halloween house this year. We honestly are excited to continually make it scarier each year. We'll post a Halloween night pic after the Holiday to show you our family themed costumes and what our house looks like on Halloween night.
Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!! 🎃
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