Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fun Faux Taxidermy

These poor plastic animals never stood a chance when I got my hands on them.  They were a $1 score at a yard sale about a year ago and I've been waiting for the moment I needed to let out some anger. But seriously, it felt kind of mean and weird sawing their little plastic bodies in half.  

I tested out a few of our hand saws.  Sure I could have used a power tool but this was energy efficient. LOL.  The blue saw furthest to the right was my saw of choice. Giving me the cleanest cut.    I made sure to wear a glove on the hand that was holding the animal just in case.

After they were sawed in a half I spray painted them gold.  While they were drying I looked for a frame in the attic and found this one. It was once black, but I decided it needed to be different, so I sprayed it with primer and it got a few coats of shiny gray paint. 

And while that was drying, I added a layer of fabric to the backing board of my frame and put the glass away.  Next I used my hot glue gun to glue the animals to my fabric.

Then I popped it the back into the frame and voila! Gold painted plastic animal faux taxidermy in a frame!

It's up on a high shelf for now until I get other things ready for my daughter's "wall collage" that will be in her room. That to-do list keeps getting longer and longer.  

Have you made anything with fake plastic animals lately?  It's quite fun.  Hope you have a great weekend and a VERY happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the great Moms out there.


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