Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cake Stenciling!

When I found this cake recipe, I decided to try a stenciled cake. The recipe itself was delicious! But I only tried one cupcake worth. The whole cake went to my son's very special speech therapist Mr. Jack. He has been coming into our home 2 times a week for almost a year now, so it was important for my two year old to show his appreciation, and what better way than a home made cake? We think Mr. Jack appreciated it.

I wanted the cake to be fresh, so I baked it the night before he would come for a session.  I followed the instructions on the recipe and make sure it was completely cool before frosting.  So while the cake was cooling, I found this letter J stencil here .

I printed it on regular computer paper.

I used my Exacto knife to carefully cut out the letter.

I placed the sheet of paper directly on top of the cake so the borders would be snug, but I made sure not to press too hard so that the frosting stuck to the paper.  I then sprinkled black sugar crystals onto the letter. Then I carefully blew off the excess sprinkles making sure they didn't get on the rest of the cake. Don't try to life the paper because the extra sprinkles will fall onto your cake. As you can see I got a few extra sprinkles on the cake since this was my first try.

Mr. Jack is always talking about letters and their sounds, so it was nice for my son to talk about the cake with him.

You can find lots of fun images and letters on the internet if you want to create a fun design on your next cake.  

Happy Baking!

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