Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Liebster Awards

I've just been awarded the Liebster Blog Award! "Liebster" is German for "favorite" and Julia at All you need is love deems mine one of hers. Thanks! As a good steward of the award, I'm going to answer all of Julia's questions:

Your house is on fire. All your family and pets are safe. What do you save?

Since all of my photos are backed up digitally and everything on my computers are backed up elsewhere, I'd say my jewelry box because so much of my jewelry was inherited.

What is your first memory?

Probably the time in Kindergarten when I peed in my classroom-it was very traumatic that I didn't have the guts to ask permission to use the bathroom.

What can you never say no to?

Probably to candy or sweets.

What's the one thing you would change about yourself?

I would get rid of all my anxiety.

What's the one thing about yourself you wish more people possessed?

A caring attitude towards the planet.

Money aside, what's your dream job?

I would be designing houses for the rich and famous!

What is your favorite thing to cook?

Italian food. It's in my blood.

Other than money, time and sleep, what do you want more of?

Artistic ability.

What are the things you do for your kids that, prior to motherhood you'd never consider?

I live for my kids, I do everything for them. But honestly before having kids I never would have considered injecting a needle into someone, but if I had to do it for my kids I would.

How do you want to be remembered?

I would love to be remembered for being a caring and nice person.

What else do you want us all to know about yourself?

I'm a pretty laid back person and I want people to know that I don't judge them for how they live and can appreciate all sorts of life styles. 

Now 11 random facts about myself:

1. I know two people with the first name "Random"..now that's random.

2. I once tried to jump on stage to give Michael Stipe from R.E.M. a hug, but got escorted off by security.

3. I hung out with Morrissey for several hours, made him his favorite tea (darjeeling), gave him a few hugs, and rubbed the back of his hair.

4. I went to UC Santa Cruz for two years to become an environmental engineer, only to transfer to the University of Redlands and major in psychology.

5. I played Volleyball, Softball, Soccer, and ran Track in high school.

6. I was the president of the Spanish Club in high school and now can probably only speak 10 words of spanish.

7. I died once and saw the light at the end of the tunnel, it was bright. My brother saved me from drowning in Monterrey Bay California.

8. I miss California.

9. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and my parents still live in the same house I grew up in.

10. I stood on the same bridge in Manchester that Morrissey sang out about in his song "Still Ill"

11. I had a job in a plastic factory for 2 days in high school sorting plastics. Two days was all I could handle.

Nominate my Liebster blogs:

Questions for my favorite bloggers:

1) Why did you start blogging?
2) Where do you find inspiration for blog posts?
3) Where do you shop for home goods?
4) What is your favorite clothing store?
5) Do you ever wish you hadn't started blogging?
6) If you could live anywhere, money not an issue, where would it be?
7) Do you struggle with balancing work, family, and life?
8) What do you do in your spare time?
9) If there is one thing you could do over what would it be?
10) Have you ever made a decorating mistake and how did you fix it?

And post the rules for others:

1. List 11 things about yourself..
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you
3. Choose 11 bloggers
4. Create a set of 11 new questions for the 11 people you tag.
5. Absolutely no tag backs
6. The bloggers have to have fewer than 200 followers.
7. Go inform them that you nominated them for the award

Thanks, Julia!



Mango Gal said...

Thank you for the nomination!

Sarni said...

It's ALL Good :) and ♥♥♥

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